1950's reunion
50's staff reunion/Bill Whedon, Nelson and Velda and Robin Wieters, Ron Pine
Folk singers/Staff reunion (1965)
Nature Lodge early 1950's/front view
Construction of 1st Adirondack, Westport Landing (early 1950's)
Dick and Ron Pine indoor group in winter, 1953/Camper reunion?
Foil stew preparation (Training Institute 1955) Harriet Lattimore, Bonny Cello Ivy
Rolling Klondike bedrolls (Training Institute 1955) N.E. Wieters, Carolyn Chandler, Nedra Johnson
Four-square (Camp Lake of the Woods, June 1955) Marilyn Chandler
Ron Pine/Rest period in new Franklin shower (July 1955)
Junior City Overnite/Municipal Camps/SFrohock, RPine, CTroutwine, Ed Barth, Bob Buchanan (June 1955)
CP '55 horseback riding/Trudy Rupert, R. Pine, Rusell Bythewood, Jack Gabriel, Glory Lady
CP flag lowering/S. Matteson, Karen Lynn White, Carolyn Burt, Alice South, _______ (Aug 55)
Final staff banquet (August 21, 1955)
Horse show (June 1955) Junior City; Linda Harper, M. Chandler
Showing fox to "Wheelchair Wanderers" (CP 1955) R. Pine, Nelson Bryant, Don Waits
Calosomas drinking (July 1955) Dale Kunz, Eddie Benson, Bobby Gaunt, Delbert Pittman
Diabetic Snack Line (Aug 1955)/Ellen Barry, Bill Adler and Janice Anwyl
Leaf Printing (Aug 1955) Live Wires - Cardiac (M. Osterstrom, J. Johns)
Shower for Nelson, Velta "and the potential tot (Robin)" Vieters (Aug 1955)
Flag lowering (Diabetic 1956)--shows Hope dining hall before winterizing
Diabetic square dance (1956) Lynn White, Jody Jones, Billy Adler
Camp Store/Homer Rodriguez, Ann Whedon (1960)
Merle Mosby in stockroom (1960)
Staff at night/M O'Hern, C. Rose, B. Montgomery, T. McNally, R. Ravenscroft (1960)
Building Cage (1960), George Andrew and Mary Edgington
Camper Senate -- Lynn Coe, Peggy Fulton, president (and Rosalind Smith) 2nd City at Large (1960)
Training Institute cookout/Bill Hutchins, Jo Stanbrough, Janice Moser, Linda Morris (1961)
Miller-Payne-Baghart night/the 3 guests and their plaques (CP 1961)
Kaw Shower from sand filter--putting on roof (July 1961)
Diabetic Staff eating line, Ed Tivol and Ross Evans (1961)
Mayor Bartle, J. Kius and Jr. City Council (1962)
Mayors and Council/Roe Bartle, Donna Newton (Jr. City 1962)
Jr. Academy field trip in Buckeye Valley at Camp (April 13, 1963)