I get a considerable amount of email and telephone calls that begin "Are you related to ...?" The following family "vine" traces my particular branch of the Buckner family from the seventeenth-century boat ride to late twentieth-century.
I have additional information that I will add at such time as my notes and my computer terminal get into the same city.
I have deliberately omitted certain information. First, I do not identify those members of the current generation who have yet to reach the age of majority. Second, I will add the current whereabouts of the current generation as I get permission to do so. Be forewarned, however, that this ranks relatively low on my list of personal priorities.
Thanks for looking here before placing the call.
The John-Richard-Philip-Philip-Aylett-Simon-Simon line is recounted in Stickles' biography of Simon Bolivar Buckner. In that book, SBB, Jr. identifies his uncles, his aunt and his cousins. All but one of the Buckners since SBB, Jr. are known personally to me.
All other information comes from Mrs. Dixie Lee Bryant Brown's D.A.R. application. (She traces her ancestery through another of Philip B. Jr/Elizabeth Watson's children.)
Peter R. Buckner checks in periodically to correct details.
Each row in the following table represents a generation. The capitalized name in each line is the father of the children listed in the following row of the table. The names within the cell are, of course, siblings.
The details, unless noted, pertain to the individual whose name is capitalized.
Name | Details |
RICHARD | c. 1500, Berkshire, England |
Thomas John Jane WILLIAM Mary Agnes Elizabeth |
John William HUGH Richard Elizabeth Rose |
Anthony Dorothy THOMAS William William |
Oxfordshire, England |
Richard Elizabeth Thomas JOHN Lawrence Philip |
m. Deborah Ferrers d. 1695, Essex Co., Virginia Richard came to America with JOHN |
William John RICHARD Thomas Elizabeth |
m. Elizabeth Cooke (?) d. 1733?, Caroline Co., Virginia |
Maj. Richard John PHILIP William Elizabeth Thomas |
m. Jane Aylett d. 1762, Louisa Co., Virginia |
William Ann Elizabeth PHILIP Jr. Thomas Mary Aylett |
b. 1-13-1753, Louisa Co., Virginia m. 10-27-1789, Elizabeth Watson (dau. of William Watson) d. 3-15-1819, Hart Co., Kentucky |
AYLETT HARTSWELL | b. 1-13-1793, Albemarle Co., Virginia m. 12-8-1819, Elizabeth Ann Morehead (dau. of Turner and Mary Morehead) Dixie Lee Bryant Brown identifies Henry
Watson as a sibling. Tom Wilbur of Okemos, MI reports that HWB and Mary Bomar produced another line of Simon Bolivar Buckners |
![]() Turner
Hartswell |
Turner Hartswell b. 1820 d. 1854 June 5, "Beechland", AR SIMON
d. 1914 January 8 There is a short biography at: http://www.civilwarhome.com/bucknerbio.htm Mary Elizabeth two sons: |
SIMON BOLIVAR, JR. | Gen., USA m. Adele Blanc (d. 1988) d. KIA, Okinawa (1945 June 18) The Buckner Mint Julep Recipe |
SBB3 m. son: Jeffrey (living in New York) Mary WCB |
SIMON BOLIVAR IV Peter Ridenour Robert Lester |
SBB4 b. 1957 February 16, Tulsa, OK m. 1989 June 3, Deborah Lee Ground (living in Overland Park, KS) PRB RLB |